Donald L. Snyder Workshop
January 14-15, 2000
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
A workshop to honor Donald L. Snyder on the occasion of his 65th birthday, organized by friends and colleagues.

  Former Donald L. Snyder Students
Doctoral Students Master's Students
Cheng-Wu Chen (D.Sc.) Dennis Angelisanti (M.S.)
Jing-Shiang Cheng (D.Sc.) Mohammad Faisal (M.S.)
Philip Fishman (D.Sc.) Ralph Forrester (M.S.)
Costas Georghiades (D.Sc.) Robert Lewis (M.S.)
Harold Klotz (D.Sc.) Steven K. Liu (M.S.)
Abed Hammoud (D.Sc.) Joanne Markham (M.S.)
Joseph Hibey (D.Sc.) Mark Peterson (M.S.)
Timothy Holmes (D.Sc.) David Politte (M.S.)
Aaron Lanterman (D.Sc.) Benjamin J. Slocumb (M.S.)
Robert Morley (D.Sc.)
Pierre Moulin (D.Sc.) Post-Dctoral Students
Prakash Narayan (D.Sc.) Ed Chornoboy
John Ollinger (D.Sc.) Shuli Schwartz
David Politte (D.Sc.)
Chrysanthe Preza (D.Sc.)
Timothy Schulz (D.Sc.)
Steven Schwartz (D.Sc.)
Anekal B. Sripad (D.Sc.)
Marco Vaca (D.Sc.)

D. L. Snyder, Participants, Students, Schedule, Hotel, DLS Workshop