Donald L. Snyder Workshop
January 14-15, 2000
Brown Hall 100
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
A workshop to honor Donald L. Snyder on the
occasion of his 65th birthday, organized by friends and colleagues. |
Program Committee |
Local Arrangements |
Joseph A. O'Sullivan, Chair |
Daniel R. Fuhrmann, Chair |
Richard E. Blahut |
Joseph A. O'Sullivan |
Jerome R. Cox |
Barry E. Spielman |
Michael I. Miller |
Pierre Moulin |
Costas Georghiades |
Timothy J. Schulz |
Workshop Description
The workshop will take place on Friday and Saturday, January 14-15, 2000
on the Washington University campus. There will be technical talks
all day Friday and Saturday. Each day there will be coffee breaks
in the morning, formal lunches, and afternoon breaks. The talks will
be in areas related to Don Snyder's contributions including random processes,
image reconstruction algorithms, communication theory, information theory,
detection theory, and estimation theory,
with applications in positron-emission tomography, computed tomography,
optical imaging, microscopy, infrared, and hyperspectral imaging.
A list of participants is being assembled. A list of former
students of Donald L. Snyder is being compiled on the web; send edits
to Jody O'Sullivan.
Rooms are reserved at the
Sheraton Clayton Plaza Hotel. The group is under the WU Department of
Electrical Engineering/ESSRL. The banquet on Saturday, Jan. 15 will be
at the Sheraton.
For more information contact Jody
O'Sullivan at
Partial List of Participants
Donald L. Snyder Students
Tentative Schedule
Titles and Abstracts
D. L. Snyder,
Students, Schedule,