J. A. O'Sullivan's Professional Activities
Joseph A. O'Sullivan's Professional Activities
Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ARES II, DoDUSD Sponsored Panel, 2001 - 2002.
Associate Editor for Detection and Estimation, IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory, 1998 - 2001
Guest Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory Special Issue on Information-Theoretic Imaging,
Publications Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 9/92 - 9/95
Member, IEEE Information Theory, Control Systems, Circuits and Systems,
Magnetics, Communications,
and Signal Processing Societies
Member, The Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Local Arrangements Chair, 2003 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop
Co-Chairman, 1999 Information Theory Workshop on Detection,
Estimation, Classification, and Imaging
Organizer, Invited Sessions: 1993 ISIT, 1996 MTNS
Travel Grants Chair and Registration, 1995 Information Theory Workshop on
Information Theory, Multiple Access, and Queueing
Chair, Donald L. Snyder Workshop, January 2000
Chairman, IEEE St. Louis Section, 1/94 - 12/94
Past Chairman, IEEE St. Louis Section, 1/95 - 12/95
Secretary, IEEE St. Louis Section, 1/93 - 12/93
Chairman, History Committee of IEEE Control Systems Society, 11/87 - 12/90
Faculty Advisor, Washington University IEEE Student Chapter, 1/87 - present
Student Activities Chairman, IEEE St. Louis Section, 5/90 - 12/92
Program Committee, 1993 International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Program Committee, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems--96
Program Committee, various SPIE conferences
NSF Proposal Review Panel, various
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Automatic Control,
Signal Processing, Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Circuits and Systems, Aerospace
and Electronic Systems, and Magnetics; Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image
Processing; International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology; Journal of
Parallel and Distributed Computing; Control Systems Magazine; IEEE Spectrum;
Pattern Recognition; various conferences.
Edited June 11, 2004
Washington University in St. Louis
School of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering